21 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΗ 2021

ACQUITTAL FOR PROSECUTED MILITANTS! - We defend the right to struggle and to organized political activity!

Using the pandemic as a pretext, one of the first fronts opened by the system of exploitation and its government against the people and youth was the one of democratic rights. With the restrictions on moving, the special permissions via SMS or “exit papers” for any step outside of our home, the strict controls and terrorism sown by the police at every opportunity, it indulged an unprecedented wave of fascistisation. Of course, this was based on the ground that all bourgeois governments have been laying for years against the democratic rights and freedoms of the people and youth.

Last year’s anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising on November 17th, 1973 and also the anniversary of the murder of the 15-year-old Aleksis Grigoropoulos on December 6th, 2008, is when junta-type decisions were implemented. With the pretext of pandemic confinement, every gathering of more than three persons was banned, every kind of events and demonstrations was forbidden throughout the country, for these two anniversaries, while huge fines of several thousand Euros were set for violators. Those who are closing hospitals, firing workers, those who are denying to hire health care personnel, who are violating the right in hospitalization and insurance, those who are responsible for the terrifying turn of the pandemic in our country, wanted to appear as advocates of public Health, when in fact they wanted to impose silence to the movement.

They did not succeed! The calls from political forces and collectives were followed and, keeping all the necessary protection measures, demonstrations took place in several cities of the country. However, they were found against a massive armored mechanism of state terrorism, which only aimed at repression. The demonstrations were hit, militants were chased, beaten, arrested and one year later they are receiving subpoenas for trials:

· The trial for the apprehended on the 17th of November 2020 in Thessaloniki, whilst it was scheduled for the 14th of September, it was postponed and a new trial date is expected.


· The trial on the 13th of October of the four out of five fighters arrested in Sepolia (a neighborhood of Athens) after the hit against the demonstration for the anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising of 2020 in Athens.


· The trial on the 29th of November of the 62 apprehended on the 6th of December 2020 in Athens


It is clear that these are POLITICAL trials. The accusations about “spreading a contagious disease” are, the least, hypocritical. These are prosecutions aiming at terrifying the people and revoking their basic democratic rights. Furthermore, these are prosecutions that aim at terrorizing the organized forces of the revolutionary Left and target the right to organized struggle. This is exactly what the trial of the 62 shows. This is a mass prosecution of fighters that resisted the fascist-type bans, which were imposed by the system under the pretext of the pandemic.


Twelve of those are our comrades, members and leaders of CPG (m-l), while another comrade is being prosecuted for participating in the demonstration of 17th of November 2020 in Thessaloniki.

Just as POLITICAL is the context of these upcoming trials, respectively POLITICAL should be the response given by the people, the movement and the Left.

We call on every democratic person, every militant, trade unions, students associations, organizations and collectives to express their support for the prosecuted fighters so that a broad, massive wave of solidarity will rise DEMANDING THE ACQUITTAL OF ALL PROSECUTED!






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E-mail: ett.books@yahoo.com
Site: ektostonteixon.gr