The massive offensive by Hamas forces, with numerous rockets, the breaking of the Israeli prison fence and the entry of Palestinian fighters into seven Israeli-occupied areas of Palestine, is the just reaction of a people who for decades have been suffocating under Israel's murderous grip. It is an act produced by the ongoing crime of the fascist-Zionist state of Israel against the Palestinian people.
For such a crime is the transformation of the Gaza Strip into the largest prison in the world, with Israel's fascists having driven its 2.3 million inhabitants into conditions of unbelievable poverty and misery through a long-lasting blockade. While there are several occasions when the Israeli state's need to demonstrate its fierceness but also promote the "final solution" for the complete annihilation of the Palestinian people leads to massive bombings of houses and apartment buildings in densely populated areas.
Such a crime is the continuous encroachment of Palestinian land by the settlers of the Israeli occupiers with the blessing of all Israeli governments - "left-wing", "centrist", "right-wing" and in recent years "far-right" and openly fascist parties.
For such a crime, continuous and fascist, is ultimately the expulsion of the Palestinians from their land by the 1948 war of conquest, and the 1967 war that led to the occupation of most of Palestine and the suffocating control of the rest by the fascist-Zionists of Israel as well as on behalf of the USA. Because the US has done everything in its power to plant a watchdog state in the Middle East region in order to control it and, of course, to intervene to ensure its domination of this crucial - geopolitical and economic-energy – crossroads.
It is not unlikely, given the characteristics of Hamas, its illusions about some of the reactionary regimes in the region and its connections with others, that this attack is also linked to Hamas' attempt to dynamite the Biden administration's promotion of an agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which it believes will further "degrade" the "Palestinian issue".
However, despite the reservations that may exist about the real disposition of the Hamas leadership, the depth of the preparation of the attack and the response of the occupiers, and above all the lack of those ideological and political elements of a communist orientation that could bring victory to the armed struggle, these developments show that the peoples, even if they do not have the leaderships that are their due, do not choose their chains!
This development will certainly multiply the complications in the Middle East, which has become a red-hot tangle of contradictions and in which significant rearrangements have recently been taking place. Simultaneously with the events in Gaza, the Turkish bourgeoisie has bombed for the umpteenth time areas of Iraq and Syria, while its drones have been shot down by US forces based in the Kurdish areas of north-eastern Syria. Iran and Saudi Arabia, mediated by China, are trying to find ways to coexist (hence Biden's intervention), while Yemen continues to suffer the long-standing back-breaking war by Saudi Arabia and its allies.
The European Union, and of course the United States, known accomplices and pillars of fascist-Zionist Israel and abettors of its crimes against the Palestinian people, issue statements of support and talk about the "right of self-defence" of the occupiers. Close by, not only the servile to fascist Israel and the USA, the government of the Nea Dimokratia, but also SYRIZA, which continues the -shameful for every progressive person- support of the fascist-Zionists that started since the SYRIZA-ANEL government in the years 2015-2019.
Progressive people all over the earth, the oppressed peoples of the planet, are on the right side of history. They are with the Palestinian David versus the Israeli-American Goliath. They are with the Palestinian people struggling to live with dignity in a free homeland against their fascist-Zionist conquerors who have been murdering them in every way and by every means for 75 long years!
The KKE(m-l) calls on all leftist organizations, every leftist progressive collective, every leftist progressive person, to defend broadly and massively, on the street, and in every region of the country, the right of the struggling Palestinian people.
Saturday, October 7th, 2023
The Press Office of the CPG(m-l)