27 ΦΛΕΒΑΡΗ 2025

Salute from the Anti-imperialist League in the internationalist event of the meeting



We greet this very important symposium organised by the Communist Party of Greece - Marxist-Leninist and all the participants with all our enthusiasm and our unwavering conviction to create a more liveable world.

First, on this symposium, we once again salute the enormous resistance of the Palestinian people. The history of Palestine is full of the intervention of the imperialist powers in the region and the struggle of the people for their national independence and their land. Throughout history, Palestine has been under the rule of different empires, but the resistance and determination of the people has never been weakened. This historical context helps us to understand the crucial role of the Palestinian people in the anti-imperialist struggle. The Palestinian resistance is characterised by several key components, including unity and solidarity among the people, a struggle for national liberation, and a resolute resistance against imperialism. These components encompass various elements such as education, organisation, and armed struggle. Notably, this resolute struggle against imperialist aggression has garnered significant international support. The resistance of the Palestinian people made important contributions to the anti-imperialist struggle. Firstly, the Palestinian question was kept on the international agenda. Secondly, a strong voice was created against imperialist policies. In addition, the Palestinian struggle for national independence sets an important example in the global struggle against imperialism and enables the creation of a global network of solidarity and resistance.

We believe that this symposium will contribute to the construction of a practice of struggle organised along a consistent anti-imperialist line against imperialist aggression. As the influence and aggression of imperialism increases in today's world, the importance of such work becomes more and more obvious. For this reason, it becomes more crucial for the peoples to act together against this situation and to put forward their reactions.

The world is shaken by the multiple crises of the imperialist system. Economic shortages, widespread impoverishment, military occupations, wars, ecological destruction, political repression, and social degeneration are deepening day by day as inevitable consequences of the imperialist system. The burden of the global crises is particularly devastating for the peoples of the semi-colonial countries, pushing them into hunger, poverty, migration, and war. Today, the peoples of the world are paying the price of the imperialist policies with wars, hunger, misery, unemployment, migration crises and fascist oppression.

The crisis dynamics of imperialism are deepening not only through the mechanisms of economic exploitation, but also through direct and indirect war policies. The arms race is accelerating, the rivalry between the imperialist unions, proxy wars, military-civilian coups and occupations are being used to shift the entire burden of the imperialist system onto the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples.

Today, the peoples all over the world, from Palestine to Kurdistan, Latin America, from Asia to Africa, are resisting against imperialism and its collaborating reactionary governments. However, the lasting victory of these struggles depends on our ability to unite around a correct anti-imperialist line. The disorganisation and ideological inconsistency of the existing anti-imperialist structures has become one of the biggest obstacles to waging an effective struggle against imperialist domination. We need to organise around a consistent anti-imperialist line. The scale of imperialist aggression and exploitation requires a much more effective and organised line of struggle.

Under these conditions, we declare that the establishment of a correct and consistent line of struggle against imperialism and the organisation of the struggle is now an urgent task! We, four anti-imperialist organisations from Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, and Ecuador, unite under the umbrella of the "Anti-imperialist League" and call upon the peoples of the world to struggle together against imperialism!

Imperialist Wars of Aggression and War Economy as a Necessary Consequence of the Structural Crises of the Imperialist System

All these events are not coincidences or someone's preferences; on the contrary, they are the direct result of the structural crises of the imperialist system. The basis of the almost continuous production of economic, political, and administrative crises of the imperialist system lies in the contradictions of capitalism and the structural problems arising from the nature of monopoly capital. To overcome the crisis of overproduction and to maintain capital accumulation, it is evident that monopoly imperialism must produce more war, more oppression, and more exploitation. The basis of the imperialist system is the constant expansion of capital and the search for profit. Due to the tendency of decreasing profit rates, imperialists are compelled to seek out new markets, low-cost labour, and natural resources, and to exploit regions further. It is evident that imperialist states are compelled to establish novel domains of exploitation, to surmount economic crises through warfare, to annihilate or impede their rivals, or to engender provisional solutions through financial speculation. While these measures may yield transient successes in specific periods, they signify nothing beyond the preparation of the ground for subsequent crises in the long term. For this reason, the imperialist states are constantly forced to create new areas of exploitation, to overcome economic crises through wars, to destroy or set back their rivals or to create temporary solutions through financial speculations. But even if these solutions bring short-term successes in some periods, they mean nothing but preparing the ground for more serious crises in the long run. At some point, the system is always blocked. As Lenin pointed out, imperialism, as the highest stage of capitalism, has become rotten and parasitic.

 The crises of the imperialist system are not limited to economic collapse, unemployment, and social inequality. When capitalist relations of production lead to crises, big capitalist groups and imperialist states provoke wars, increase armaments, and expand the military-industrial complex to overcome these crises. The war economy is employed as a mechanism to stimulate production and temporarily reduce unemployment during periods of crisis. Capitalist crises precipitate imperialist states to engage in warfare to redivide markets and natural resources. It is due to this reality that the imperialist system persists in its existence, ensnared in a cyclical pattern of crisis, war and exploitation, each subsequent stage proving more destructive than the preceding one.

One of the instruments that imperialism most often deploys to overcome crises is to increase the production of the military-industrial complex and to establish markets for the export of military matériel. In order to increase arms exports, governments implement policies of militarism and war. In short, the collaboration of big armament companies, governments, and the military bureaucracy results in the creation of a system that encourages wars. The USA, Russia, China, and the EU countries are the biggest armament exporters. In periods of crisis, many states have been observed to provide support to the arms industry by increasing military expenditure. Major arms manufacturers, such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Raytheon, have been identified as key drivers of the growth of the arms industry and more aggressive foreign policy behaviour through lobbying activities that directly influence war policies. The US and NATO interventions in the Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe are a key factor in this phenomenon. Consequently, the growth of the arms industry leads to wars becoming an economic necessity.

A thoroughgoing analysis of current forms of imperialist aggression and competition is imperative. At the present time, inter-imperialist competition is manifesting not only with commercial warfare but also in proxy wars. In order to safeguard its own interests, imperialism is encouraging antagonism between peoples, thereby engendering regional instability and deepening relations of dependence. The ongoing struggle for hegemony among various imperialist alliances, including NATO, the USA, the EU, China and Russia, has resulted in a perpetual cycle of war and oppression for the peoples.

In order to prevent popular reactions to the severe consequences of capitalist crises, states are known to increase nationalist and militarist discourses, and to direct public attention to external threats. They harden their security policies with a view to suppressing rising social movements and labour resistance. A consideration of the history of imperialist will demonstrate that major economic crises are followed by major wars. Examples of this cyclical pattern include the Great Depression of 1929, which was followed by the Second World War; the regional conflicts that increased after the 2008 global financial crisis; and the ongoing Ukraine War.

Imperialist crises deepen not only the war policies of individual states but also the competition between the imperialist alliances. Especially after the crisis of 2008, the USA and NATO have tried to maintain their economic and political superiority by increasing their military presence all over the world. Although the invasion of Russian imperialism in Ukraine and the ongoing war process has their own internal dynamics, it must be said that the US-NATO oriented strategy of "‘limiting Russian imperialism" is an important background for the provocation of this war. In this process, NATO's expansion policy escalated the tensions in Eastern Europe and contributed to the growth of the arms industry. With the US 'Indo-Pacific strategy', tensions between the US and China in the Asia-Pacific region are accelerating. The US has increased militarism in the region to prevent China's economic and military development. Russia and China, on the other hand, are responding to US-centered aggression and NATO expansion with military build-ups. The arms race that has accelerated in recent years with the war in Ukraine, the new expansion policy of NATO, the tensions between the USA and China in the Pacific region and the conflicts in the Middle East are the latest examples of the war agenda imposed by the imperialist powers on the peoples of the world.

Inevitable consequences of the imperialist system

The economic and political crises caused by the imperialist system inevitably deepen the social crises. Social crises are not only the result of this system, but also the dynamics that make the crises more chronic.

The inherent nature of capitalism is such that it produces a perpetual increase in the inequality of wealth and income distribution. As capital is centralised, the value of labour is continually devalued. As a result of capitalist policies, public services are privatised and the social state is liquidated. As a result of economic crises, unemployment increases and precarious employment becomes widespread. While the rich get richer, the labouring classes are forced to live in hunger and misery. This situation creates a social crisis which causes social conflicts. As more and more people are unable to meet their basic needs, social explosions become inevitable.

Capitalism is predicated on the notion of human relations being built on individual competition rather than collective solidarity. The encouragement of individualism, alienation and isolation is a key feature of the capitalism. The process of individualisation weakens class solidarity and the collective struggle of working people. Traditional solidarity structures, such as family, neighbourhood, trade unions and associations, are observed to dissolve. The result of this alienation is an increase in psychological problems, depression, and hopelessness, which in turn leads to a deepening of social crises.

The ecological crisis is a direct consequence of the imperialist system. The plundering of nature for the sake of capital accumulation, a characteristic of imperialism, is dragging the world ecosystem into an irreversible collapse. The climate crisis, food security problems and environmental destruction are all problems intertwined with the greed for profit that is characteristic of imperialist capitalism.

The exploitation policies and wars of the imperialist system cause the global migration movements and refugee crises. The imperialist system of exploitation leads to mass poverty in regions such as South Asia, Africa, and Latin America, forcing people to migrate to survive. The domination of the imperialists in all semi-feudal, semi-colonial and backward countries and the agricultural policies implemented lead to the mass displacement of peasants all over the world. Agricultural lands are constantly plundered by big agricultural monopolies and big landlords, and agricultural lands are concentrated in the hands of a few international agricultural monopolies and big landlords. The peasant problem, the manly land problem, has increased enormously. The world's largest agricultural exploiters, the 1 per cent, cultivate more than 70 per cent of the world's agricultural land. Poor farmers, small landowners, and landless peasants, who make up almost half the world's population, own 30 per cent of the world's agricultural land and produce at least 70 per cent of the food consumed worldwide. The agricultural policies imposed by the imperialists have worsened the situation of poor and landless peasants, especially through increased exploitation and land confiscation. The masses of peasants, whose poverty has increased, who struggle with hunger and who have been driven off their lands, are forced to live in poor huts in the cities. Especially in semi-feudal, semi-colonial countries, the domination of the imperialists and the agricultural policies implemented are leading to the mass displacement of peasants all over the world. The increasing waves of migration in rural areas are the result of semi-feudalism and semi-colonialism caused by imperialist domination.

Imperialist wars and proxy wars turn millions of people into refugees (Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Sudan, Yemen, etc.). The influx of refugees is a catalyst for the escalation of xenophobia and racism in imperialist countries, thereby creating a fertile ground for the rise of the extreme right. These processes engender profound social crises, not only for those who have been compelled to migrate, but also within the receiving societies. The consequences of these crises are manifold, including the escalation of racism and xenophobia, the fracturing of the working class, and the intensification of exploitation.

The imperialist system to utilises cultural degeneration as a mechanism to surmount crises The proliferation of consumer culture encourages individuals to engage in excessive spending. The utilisation of media and social media manipulation is to distract peoples from real problems. The prioritisation of popular culture, tabloids and low-level entertainment supersedes that of art, science, and philosophy. This cultural decadence hinders the development of a consciousness of the unfairness of the system among the masses. Individuals are pacified and manipulated in a manner that precludes them from questioning the system.

The imperialist system is characterised by a persistent escalation in militarism and the implementation of internal security policies, which are employed to manage crises. This results in the widespread adoption of police state practices, mass surveillance, and restrictions on freedom of expression. The prevalence of civil wars, terrorism, and rising crime rates contributes to a pervasive sense of social insecurity, further exacerbated by the arms race and the growth of the war industry. This atmosphere of perpetual threat gives rise to authoritarianism, enabling states to manage crises through repressive means. As living conditions of the people deteriorate, the system attempts to balance this with militarism and repressive mechanisms.

The imperialist system does not have the ability to solve the crises it creates. On the contrary, every proposed solution creates a new social crisis. Economic crises increase social inequality, political crises deepen social polarisation, militarist policies spread violence and insecurity, and cultural degeneration prevents peoples from becoming more conscious.

What are our tasks?

The way the imperialist system perpetuates itself is through war, exploitation, and crises. In the current era, while the USA, NATO and their collaborators impose war and poverty on the peoples of the world, imperialist powers such as China and Russia are establishing new polarisations in the global competition to expand their own interests. As the struggle for domination intensifies among imperialists in Africa, Latin America and Asia, the labouring classes and impoverished peoples are the ones who bear the brunt of the consequence. The anti-imperialist struggle can only be carried out on a line based on the class consciousness of the proletariat. Any struggle that is limited to the demands of liberation and national sovereignty and ignores the class perspective will sooner or later fall under the control of imperialism or the collaborationist bourgeoisie. Therefore, a real anti-imperialist struggle must be united with the independent political line of the proletariat.

In recent times, there are observable phenomenon of spontaneous actions by oppressed peoples in numerous regions of the world. However, in parallel with this, resistance movements are also emerging, such as in Palestine, that can cause significant disruption to the system at its most crucial points. This situation reveals that resisting imperialist aggression can be achieved not only through defensive actions but also through revolutionary struggle aimed at overthrowing imperialist domination.

The oppressed peoples of the world are resisting against imperialism. From Palestine to Kurdistan, from Latin America to Asia Africa, the oppressed peoples are revolting against imperialist interventions, neo-liberal economic programs, wars, and oppression. However, the success of these resistances depends on our unity on a correct anti-imperialist line. The weakness and ideological contradictions of the existing anti-imperialist organisations make the struggle against imperialism ineffective.

Today, when the imperialist aggression and exploitation are confronting the peoples of the world with greater ruins and impoverishment, it is an inescapable necessity for the anti-imperialist struggle to advance with a stronger, organised, and consistent line:

1) It is imperative that ideological clarity on the nature of imperialism and the struggle against imperialism is achieved, and that a consistent anti-imperialist programme is adopted. A prerequisite for a consistent anti-imperialist consciousness and organisation is the possession of a clear point of view on the nature of imperialism in the present epoch. To wage an effective and real struggle against all the consequences of the imperialist system, it is necessary to have proletarian class consciousness. All organisations engaged in anti-imperialist struggle, setting aside ideological ambiguities, must develop a comprehensive strategy against the to economic, military, and ideological facets of imperialism.

In today's world, a significant number of 'anti-imperialist' circles appear to demonstrate an absence of both clarity and consistency in their opposition to imperialism. Certain movements criticise 'Western' imperialism, while disregarding the policies of other major great powers, such as Russia or China. Similarly, some movements oppose solely the imperialism of a specific nation, while ignoring the fact that imperialism is a structural problem. A genuine anti-imperialist struggle must encompass opposition to all forms of imperialist and reactionary aggression. Imperialism is a crisis dynamic of the monopoly imperialist system, not just of one country, and the struggle against it must be waged from a comprehensive anti-capitalist perspective. Backing one side of the imperialist conflict or supporting the aggression of other imperialist powers under the pretext of opposing the US-centered imperialist aggression is not a real anti-imperialist stance. We must form an independent anti-imperialist line that does not support any of the imperialist alliances. We should not be deceived by the so-called "democracy" lies of the US-NATO, nor by the "alternative" claims of imperialist actors such as Russia and China.

2) It is important to note that imperialism is not merely a phenomenon characterised by the economic and military domination of the great powers. Rather, it can be conceptualised as the expansion of capital on an international scale, the economic and political control of semi-colonial countries, and the intensification of the exploitation of the working class on a global level. Consequently, the anti-imperialist struggle must extend beyond merely opposing military occupation or direct attacks, but must also encompass the dismantling of the imperialist order of exploitation.

The anti-imperialist struggle must be carried out under the ideological leadership of the working class. The anti-imperialist struggle must be combined with the class struggle and develop on this ideological-political basis. Imperialism not only attacks national sovereignty but also directly the organisation and rights of the working class.

3) It is not possible to engage in discourse on a genuine anti-imperialist struggle without breaking the economic, military, and political dependence of semi-colonial countries on imperialist powers.

The peoples of the semi-colonial countries, ensnared in the web of international financial institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank, as well as the grip of international monopolies, in provide the imperialists with cheap labour and raw material resources. The necessity for the establishment of political and organisational solidarity between the peoples of semi-colonial countries and the anti-imperialist forces in imperialist countries is therefore paramount and cannot be postponed. The imperialist system is characterised by a continuous expansion of its colonialist and oppressive policies, a strategy employed to overcome its ongoing crises. The most significant impact is felt by the peoples of semi-colonial countries. However, the inherent contradictions of imperialism give rise to the development of anti-imperialist movements within developed capitalist countries. The unification of these movements on a unified struggle front is of paramount importance in weakening the imperialist system. However, this solidarity must extend beyond the confines of mere support; it must forge a unified political and organisational foundation, establishing common strategic objectives. The relationship between popular movements in semi-colonial countries and anti-imperialist organisations in developed capitalist countries must be founded on this understanding.

The anti-imperialist forces in the imperialist countries must fight directly against the imperialist policies of their own countries and not remain in a position of mere 'support'. The resistance movements in the semi-colonial countries must actively promote and organise their own struggles among the peoples of the world to increase international solidarity. Given the global character of the imperialist system, it is essential to build an international anti-imperialist movement, not limited national struggles focused only on specific regions. The anti-imperialist forces in Europe, which support the Palestinian resistance, must at the same time fight against the expansionist policy of NATO in their own countries. The independence movements in Latin America must fight against imperialist sanctions and interventions in coordination with the popular movements in the USA and Europe. The organisations fighting against imperialist exploitation in Africa should organise united campaigns with anti-imperialist organisations in countries like France and Britain.

4) The anti-imperialist struggle cannot be limited to instantaneous reactions and actions. The struggle against the capitalist order of exploitation that underlies imperialism must be approached from a revolutionary perspective. It is clear from historical experience that it is not possible to fight imperialism by reformist, compromising or diplomatic means.

5) At present, several different structures, and groups active in the anti-imperialist struggle operate within a limited framework, which hinders the formation of a unified struggle. However, it should be noted that the struggle against imperialism can be successful not only through intellectual discussions or declarations of condemnation, but also through robust organisation and unity of action in practice. It is therefore essential for anti-imperialist forces to establish a coordinated movement at the regional and international level.

To build a real international line of resistance against imperialism, it is essential to organise simultaneous resistance at the global level against NATO, the IMF, the World Bank, and imperialist monopolies. If this struggle remains only within regional or narrow national frameworks, the imperialist system will continue to fragment the resistance with its divide-and-rule policy. It is therefore imperative that a global anti-imperialist unity is formed if a real struggle against the worldwide domination of imperialism is to be raised.

It is vital that direct solidarity is established with the popular movements in Ukraine, Palestine, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Joint campaigns must be organised against the main institutions of imperialism, such as NATO, the IMF, and the World Bank. Popular movements must be organised on a global scale against the arms race, imperialist wars, and militarism. This program must include concrete demands and action plans, and encourage the participation of the people in the struggle.

6) Common work must be carried out in the field of media and propaganda. It is evident that imperialist media apparatuses legitimise wars, exploitation, and oppression, while criminalising the peoples' struggle. Therefore, it is vital for anti-imperialist movements to establish their own alternative media networks and act in cooperation. Documentaries, reports, analyses, and creative propaganda materials should be prepared to reach the masses directly, and work must be carried out among the youth and academia to break the ideological hegemony of the imperialist system. The establishment of independent newspapers, news networks and social media channels is imperative to establish a unified information line that will facilitate the exposure of the crimes of imperialism. It is essential that the voice of popular resistance in semi-colonial countries is given a platform and heard by the peoples of developed countries. To combat imperialist manipulations, the establishment of common propaganda networks is necessary to reveal the truth. To illustrate this point, it is vital to recognise that an attack in Palestine or an exploitation project in Africa should not be confined to the local media, but rather, should be incorporated into the agenda of anti-imperialist movements in Europe, the USA, Latin America, and Asia.

7) It is necessary to develop the global resistance against the imperialist institutions and organise international anti-imperialist campaigns to transform the solidarity from symbolic to concrete unity of action. NATO, IMF, World Bank, and the imperialist monopolies bring war, poverty, and exploitation to the peoples of the world. The struggle against these institutions must be waged simultaneously in the developed capitalist countries and in the semi-colonial countries. It is imperative that direct actions are organised in Europe and the USA against the war policies of NATO. Joint campaigns should be organised by the working class in developed countries and popular movements in semi-colonial countries against the exploitation policies of the IMF and the World Bank. Simultaneous resistance must be organised against the exploitation of workers by international monopolies and against ecological destruction. For example, a movement fighting against French colonialism in Africa should be supported in France by direct actions to pressure the French government.

In this direction, anti-imperialist organisations in imperialist countries should consider providing direct material, political and logistical support to the national liberation and popular movements in semi-colonial countries. The establishment of international campaigns and joint pressure mechanisms against the policies of imperialist states and corporations should be an established. Furthermore, the development of international solidarity, especially among youth, women’s, and workers' organisations, is crucial for the advancement of anti-imperialist consciousness.

8) Organisational coordination must be developed between the anti-imperialist movements in the semi-colonial countries and in the imperialist countries to transform the common political ground into a concrete force. A permanent and regular communication network must be established between the anti-imperialist organisations in different continents. International anti-imperialist unions must be formed to transform the solidarity from symbolic to concrete action unions. In this direction Anti-imperialist organisations in the imperialist countries should give direct material, political and logistical support to the liberation and people's movements in the semi-colonial countries. International campaigns and united pressure mechanisms against the policies of the imperialist states and imperialist corporations must be established. International solidarity, especially among the youth movements, should be established to ensure that the new generations have anti-imperialist consciousness.

Imperialism is a global system; consequently, the struggle against it must also be global. There must be regular communication and coordination between anti-imperialist movements in different countries. International conferences, joint campaigns and solidarity networks must be established. From Palestine to Ukraine, from the struggle against the colonialist order in Africa to the resistance against imperialist interventions in Latin America, the struggles in every field must be interlinked. The establishment of such a unified international solidarity movement is predicted to significantly amplify the impact of the anti-imperialist struggle.

We must build a global anti-imperialist solidarity. The peoples in Palestine, Haiti, Sudan, Colombia, Philippines, Greece, Turkey, Brazil, India, and many other countries are resisting against imperialism and its collaborators. However, without strengthening the links between these resistances, it is not possible to lead an effective struggle against the entire imperialist system. We must intensify the common struggle of the peoples and the international solidarity! We must strengthen the organisational and political links between the peoples struggling against imperialism. We must develop the international solidarity among the workers' movements, youth organisations and peasant resistances struggling against imperialism.

9) It is necessary to develop an understanding of the front that is based on the unification of different organisations waging anti-imperialist struggle based on minimum commonalities. The common goals in the struggle against imperialism should be decisive, not the ideological differences of individual organisations. The groups fighting regionally and internationally should act in coordination with each other and carry out joint campaigns against imperialism. Historical experience shows that an effective struggle against imperialism can only be waged with a broad united front (e.g. anti-colonial struggles, wars of national liberation, etc.). A united understanding of the struggle will make it possible to build a stronger movement against imperialism, while preserving the independence and identity of each organisation.

10) All wars waged directly or indirectly by imperialist powers serve the destruction and exploitation of the peoples. For this reason, one of the fundamental principles of the anti-imperialist struggle is to adopt a clear and resolute stance against the war policies of imperialism. Lenin's approach identifying imperialism with wars is even more significant in the present day. At present, one of the most concrete expressions of the competition between imperialists is the expansion policies of NATO and proxy wars such as the war in Ukraine. The anti-imperialist movements must take a clear position against the aggressive policy of NATO. The global conflicts caused by the US-China and US-Russia contradictions must be put in the centre of the anti-imperialist struggle. The peoples' struggle for independence against the proxy wars in the Middle East must be supported and the collaborators of imperialism in the region must be exposed. For example, The Palestinian struggle must be seen as part of the global resistance against imperialism. The independence struggles in Africa must form a united line of resistance against the military presence of France and other imperialist powers.

The ongoing wars in Ukraine, Gaza, Syria, and Yemen are the result of the struggle for global domination by imperialist powers. People are forced to take sides in these wars, but the fact that both sides are acting in the interest of imperialism is hidden. We must struggle for an independent anti-imperialist line based on the interests of the working class and oppressed peoples. We must develop the independent politics of the working class and oppressed peoples against the imperialist wars from Ukraine to Gaza, from Syria to Yemen. We must oppose both the expansionist policies of NATO and the expansionism of imperialist powers such as Russia and China.

11) As anti-imperialists, it is imperative that we take a definitive stance on the subject of 'wars and the nature of wars'. The slogan 'We are against all wars!' is a bourgeois slogan that perpetuates the continuation of imperialism's relations of domination and exploitation, thereby denying oppressed peoples worldwide their right to national and social liberation. Opposing the struggles of the oppressed peoples, the working class, and other social groups against the owners of the imperialist system and their collaborators with abstract anti-war sentiments is the result of confusion about the nature of imperialism. While we oppose unjust wars that serve the continuation of the order of exploitation and oppression by the imperialists and their henchmen, we also support the wars for national and social liberation and make it clear that we are part of these struggles.

12) We must strengthen our relations with the masses. The anti-imperialist struggle cannot be carried out with mere declarations and academic discussions detached from the masses. It is necessary to make direct contact with the masses and mobilise them. Direct links must be established with the workers' movements, trade unions, youth organisations and women's movements. The organisation must be established among the masses who are directly affected by the imperialist policy of exploitation and war. In particular, the youth, as the most active and militant section, must be the vanguard of the anti-imperialist movement. If the struggle does not reach the broad sections of the people, it will remain as an "opposition" within a narrow framework and will be easily marginalised by the system.

13) Great waves of mobilisation of the popular masses, oppressed peoples, peasant struggles, intellectuals and true democrats are spreading all over the world. The heroic national liberation struggles of Palestine, Kurdistan, Ireland, and other peoples show that the only way out is to wipe out imperialism and reaction from the face of the earth. The invincible people's wars that have been developing for more than forty years in India, Peru, Turkey, and the Philippines are a shining example for the peoples of the world that only revolution can defeat imperialism and reaction and build a new society.


Our call to all those who are oppressed under the imperialist domination in the present era and to all the organisations that lead anti-imperialist struggle is as follows: Let us organise together a consistent, united, and class-based anti-imperialist struggle! We, as the Coordination Committee of the Anti-imperialist League, invite all structures, individuals and organisations who want to fight against the imperialist system to unite in a common line of solidarity and struggle.

Let us unite against imperialism!

Down with imperialism, long live our united struggle against imperialism!

The victory of the oppressed peoples is possible with the defeat of imperialism, the way to defeat imperialism is possible by organising the global united anti-imperialist front against imperialism!

Let us fight against the imperialist wars of aggression and support the struggles for national and social liberation!                                              

Coordinating Committee of the Anti-Imperialist League


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