Proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!
“Imperialism will not live long because it commits all kinds of dishonesty. It stubbornly supports the reactionaries in the various countries who are hostile to the peoples. It forcibly occupies many colonies, semi-colonies and military bases. It threatens peace with nuclear war. Thus, forced by imperialism, more than 90% of the world population is rising up or will rise up en masse to fight against it. But imperialism is still alive and well, still doing in complete arbitrariness what suits its interests in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In the Western world, the imperialists continue to oppress the popular masses in their countries. This situation must change. It is the duty of the peoples of the whole world to put an end to the aggression and oppression exercised by imperialism, especially American imperialism.”
Chairman Mao Tse-tung Interview with a Sinjua news agency correspondent, (September 29, 1958)
Response of the People’s Current – Red Sun to the CPG(m-l)
To the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)
To the proletariat and the Greek people
We applaud the efforts you have undertaken to realize this anti-war and anti-imperialist event. We believe that the development of discussions on these issues is imperative for a greater unification of anti-imperialist forces at the international level. Opposition to unjust wars, opposition to predatory war as an imperialist institution, is a position of principle for progressive forces seeking peace.
The support of just wars, the support of people's wars and wars of national liberation, is a position of principle for progressive forces seeking the emancipation of humanity. In the same way, the question of anti-imperialism today, for all democratic and revolutionary forces in the world, must be a central part of the agenda of our struggles.
Unfortunately, as an organization we were unable to participate in this important activity, both for financial and technical reasons. As you know, comrades, on January 18 we held the General Assembly of our democratic organization and among other things we charted the course of steps towards our 2nd Congress, with which we hope to take another step towards building the Popular Front as a revolutionary front of the masses, whose essential task is to challenge the power of the enemies of the people step by step and give birth to the newly-formed conditions of the New Power.
However, we want to tell you that the invitation you share with us fills us with joy and revolutionary optimism. We reconfirm the importance of developing the debate in the ranks of revolutionaries around the world on these questions you raise, in order to achieve unity of principle and unity of action, contributing to the development of the anti-imperialist struggle, both in the developed and in the oppressed countries. The struggle for the Anti-Imperialist Front at the international level is a vital issue for the national liberation movement as well as for the international communist movement.
In this sense, our democratic organization, as a member of the Organizing Committee of the Anti-Imperialist League (AIL), wholeheartedly welcomes the initiative of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) for this event, which we consider as a remarkable step in the same direction.
Greece is, for the NATO imperialists and their war preparations, a cornerstone between the Middle East and Europe, between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, as well as part of the Western encirclement against Russian imperialism. That is why we are happy to see how the anti-war and anti-imperialist movement in Greece is preparing to intensify its struggle against the efforts to turn the country into a military base of the various imperialist powers of NATO acting under the auspices of the USA, especially in these times when the principal reactionary Donald Trump issues threats of annexation of other peoples, as in the case of Greenland, the Panama Canal and Mexico.
We understand well the struggle of those peoples who refuse to be treated as vassals of the great powers. For a long time, our country has been considered the "backyard" of Yankee imperialism, which stripped us of more than half of our territory in the past. Currently, new threats of military intervention and partition (Balkanization) loom over our country, with Donald Trump's declarations in his second term leading the reactionary U.S. government. Meanwhile, the bureaucratic government of Mexico offers weak rhetorical responses, accepting its servile role as a border police force and customs guard for the gringos(no-Latinos) against workers migrating from Mexico and other countries in search of a dream that does not exist—the so-called "American way of life."
Today the Mexican people, in addition to the repeated threats of a new US military intervention, also suffer from the militarization of the economy, industry and public life, as a reflection of a reactionary civil war that has not been officially declared but has left tens of thousands dead and at least 121,000 missing to date. The "new" government of Claudia Sheinbaum ("the first female president of the republic") has also added to her work in her first hundred days in office with a figure of at least 5,160 dead and 4,010 missing. Is this not war? And yes, the weapons that kill the Mexican people come from the US, Germany, France, England and Israel. These are the same weapons that kill the Palestinian people! In Mexico, the People’s Current – Red Sun, acting in the interests of the proletariat and the peoples of Anahuac, holds high the right of revolt against imperialism, against feudalism and against bureaucratic capitalism, which are the three great mountains that oppress our people. The insurrection is just!
We salute the heroic Palestinian National Resistance and the resistance of the peoples of the Middle East against criminal Zionism and imperialism. We salute the efforts of the proletariat and the Greek people to strengthen the anti-war and anti-imperialist movement, we also salute the struggles in solidarity with the peoples of the world that we see challenging the reactionary and fascist governments in old Europe, where the masses take to the streets by the thousands in the face of reaction.
The People's Current – Red Sun sends its sincere, fraternal and revolutionary greetings to the vanguard of the Greek proletariat and to the various revolutionary and anti-imperialist organizations participating in this important event, which takes place in the context of the third anniversary of the beginning of the war of plunder of Russian imperialism against the Ukrainian people, and we also salute the struggle of the Ukrainian people against the invader and against the fascist government of Zelensky. The peoples have the right to self-determination!
Anti-imperialists of the world unite!
Death to imperialism!
People's Current – Red Sun
Anahuac (Mexico)
Member of the Organizing Committee of the Anti-Imperialist League