27 ΦΛΕΒΑΡΗ 2025

Salute from the Revolutionary Communist League (Norway) in the internationalist event of the meeting

Dear comrades,

The Revolutionary Communist League (RK) applauds your initiative for an anti-imperialist weekend. It is most timely. Against the backdrop of increased tensions and intensifying contradictions in the imperialist system, it is crucial that revolutionary and anti-imperialist forces from across the world meet, discuss, share relevant experiences, provide mutual criticism, and coordinate their activities.

We deeply regret that we are unable to send a delegation at this time. Please trust that this was not an easy decision to make, and that we discussed your invitation at every level of the organization before we decided. The RK is still a very young organization, and our capacity to engage in international relations is quite limited. This will be rectified as we grow and strengthen ourselves. In the meantime, we will contribute to the ongoing debates in the international communist movement, and participate in international campaigns to the degree that we are able. The KKE-ML's initiative for a joint boycott statement against the European elections last year, was an exemplary one.

The world situation is in flux, and we are living in a time where weeks amount to decades. US world hegemony is in decline, as it is increasingly being challenged by China along with its partners and allies. Resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon and Yemen have struck severe blows against the Israeli settler-colonial state, while at the same time, the toppling of Assad in Syria has given Israel the opportunity for new annexations and a regional realignment in its favor. Russia's access to the Mediterranean sea is in jeopardy, and it is likely that Russia will become increasingly dependent on the Arctic sea routes in the years to come. Donald Trump's proposal to buy or annex Greenland, which is currently a colony of Denmark, must be understood in this light.

There is much that is uncertain about the years to come, but one thing seems to be clear: The world seems to be more and more divided into two hostile camps, grouped around the US and China, respectively. This creates a danger for new wars of redivision among the imperialist powers. It also creates new opportunities for launching -- and winning -- revolutionary struggles across the world.

We eagerly await the results of the conference. Assemblies like these are crucial for developing our revolutionary and anti-imperialist theory, and coordinating our activities. We are fighting one common struggle against the capitalist-imperialist system, and we cannot fight it in national isolation.

Comradely greetings,

The Revolutionary Communist League of Norway


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