Message of the FRDDP to the Anti-Imperialist Anti-War Meeting of Athens, 22-23 February 2025
The proletariat bears a shining future, our duty is to defeat imperialism and the reaction form the face of Earth!
“In a very short time, in China's central, southern and northern provinces, several hundred million peasants will rise like a mighty storm, like a hurricane, a force so swift and violent that no power, however great, will be able to hold it back. They will smash all the trammels that bind them and rush forward along the road to liberation. They will sweep all the imperialists, warlords, corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry into their graves. Every revolutionary party and every revolutionary comrade will be put to the test, to be accepted or rejected as they decide. There are three alternatives. To march at their head and lead them? To trail behind them, gesticulating and criticizing? Or to stand in their way and oppose them? Every Chinese is free to choose, but events will force you to make the choice quickly.”
Chairman Mao Tsetung
Investigation on the peasant movement in Hunan, 1927
Revolutionary greetings to the class conscious and anti-imperialist organizations here present and especially to the KKE(m-l) for this initiative.
In this occasion, we wish to express our greetings to the masses that arise today in all continents, struggling against imperialism and all reaction, to the ongoing national liberation wars in the world, especially the heroic and glorious Palestinian National Resistance! Long live the heroic Palestinian people, who raises our revolutionary ardor and gives us a greater example of combatant pride against imperialism and Zionism!
We also want to address a special greeting to the international proletariat and the struggles led by it in the invincible People’s Wars led by Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Parties in Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines, which are powerful beacon that guides to the only way for the liberation of the masses of the whole world: the Protracted People’s War!
The decomposition of imperialism entered an unprecedented scale and is developing into new peaks, causing popular revolts and explosions of great significance in all the countries. Facing this deep crisis, imperialism is still carrying out wars, destroying the environment and attacking many democratic rights that were previously conquered with so much popular struggle. In addition to causing extreme hunger that is killing hundreds of millions of people in different countries, to which are added more that a billion people facing constant risks and hardships to live with dignity. This is the result of the insurmountable wealth concentrated in the hands of a handful, while the immense majority of the world population – mainly in the oppressed countries, but not only in them – faces increasing poverty and misery. As Lenin said “the political particularities of imperialism are the reaction all across the board and the intensification of national oppression”.
The alliance of the reactionary classes in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries, like Brazil, that weights over the masses of the countryside and the city have has the unending mass of immigrants as a final product, which every years arrives at the imperialist countries to be over-exploited in all kinds of work, turning themselves increasingly indispensable for the economy of the imperialist countries.
Amid this deep crisis that imperialism is crossing, each time more, in its attempt to delay its total destruction, it needs to apply greater plunder and violence over the oppressed nations and peoples. In turn, the latter arise in anti-imperialist struggles, particularly with the national liberation struggle, which make it clear that this is the center of events in the world today, in other words, the principal contradictions of this epoch.
One example of that was the vigorous action of the Palestinian National Resistance that, since October 7th, 2023, has shaken the world and mobilized the masses in all continents against imperialism and Zionism. The extremely hard battles waged since then have fully corresponded to the needs of the national liberation war in Palestine.
The Heroic Palestinian Resistance, having Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and other organizations at the forefront, has shown, amid one of the most ferocious military occupation in the current times, that imperialism can be defeated, that it is a paper tiger. The grand political-military victory of the Palestinian National Resistance over the Zionist army of Israel has imposed a hard blow not only to the military occupation, but also to all imperialism, mainly Yankee.
The Palestinian people has also proved that the world has entered a new period of revolutions. The independent intervention of the masses on October 7th has shown everyone that it is possible to break the campaign of counterrevolution and to arouse the revolutionary energy of the masses.
This is why the deeper importance of the Palestinian resistance lies in its ideological significance. Its actions ardently resound in the minds and hearts of millions of oppressed masses, particularly the youth, as a powerful revolutionary current that moves feelings and ideas that may make all this outdated old order tremble. The morale of the peoples of the world was raised by a powerful ray of light against darkness.
The next decades, including the next years, are going to be stormy and earthshaking in the whole world! It will be a period of unheard social cataclysms and wars of all kinds; but also of increasing revolutionary storms, mainly but not only, in the third world. It is the main tendency of revolution that is developing in great waves to overthrow the imperialists and their lackeys, which could even prevent a new imperialist world war. And if a new third world war is imposed in face of this general crisis, it would incite revolution even more, which through people’s war on each country will defeat imperialism.
This is why it is important to remind what the great Lenin said: “In the history of revolutions there come to light contradictions that have ripened for decades and centuries. Life becomes unusually eventful. The masses, which have always stood in the shade and have therefore often been ignored and even despised by superficial observers, enter the political arena as active combatants. These masses are learning in practice, and before the eyes of the world are taking their first tentative steps, feeling their way, defining their objectives, testing themselves and the theories of all their ideologists. These masses are making heroic efforts to rise to the occasion and cope with the gigantic tasks of world significance imposed upon them by history; and however great individual defeats may be, however shattering to us the rivers of blood and the thousands of victims, nothing will ever compare in importance with this direct training that the masses and the classes receive in the course of the revolutionary struggle itself.” (Lenin – Revolutionary Days, “What is Happening in Russia?”)
In this sense, all of us must raise our ideological struggle so that the new forces fulfill the new tasks of the moment. In this path, it is urgent to impulse the formation of an international anti-imperialist front under a consistent revolutionary leadership that would strengthen the struggles against imperialism and the reaction in all countries. This current moment represents the possibility of having a new and shining apex of the world anti-imperialist struggle that musters the communists, the revolutionaries, to fulfill their duty and historical role of leading the struggle from their vanguard organizations and into the mass organizations. Let us form a strong barricade of the poor and oppressed masses against imperialist aggression in all countries. Let us organize a united struggle against the imperialist aggression wars, the unjust wars, and all forms of oppression and fascism.
In Brazil, the struggle between revolution and counterrevolution is entering a new stage. In the countryside, from North to South of the country, the explosion of the peasant struggle in the form of Agrarian Revolution is launching powerful flames on the bonfire of revolution. The mobilized and organized popular masses of the countryside and the city are getting into combats to end with semi-feudalism, bureaucratic capitalism and imperialism domination through the New Democratic Revolution.
Comrades, the great explosion of masses has not yet taken place; what we are currently seeing is only the tip of the iceberg, in other words, the mountain of hatred that was accumulated by the class against its oppressors. Huge and greater storms will come, in which the masses are the protagonists and will sweep away imperialism and reaction from the face of earth with People’s War until Communism.
The creation of an anti-imperialist organization is therefore urgent. This was one of the most important resolutions that was approved in the Seminar to celebrate the 130 years of Chairman Mao Tsetung that was held last year in Colombia: to form an Anti-Imperialist League. Based on this decision, a Coordinating Committee was formed – made up by the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People’s Rights (Brazil), Front for the Defense of the Struggles of the People (Ecuador), Current of the People – Red Sun (Mexico) and Partizan (Turkey) – who have been working systematically since then, pursuing the same goal of the organizers of this current event, the Anti-Imperialist Weekend.
But the formation of the Anti-Imperialist League is still a process under construction. In this moment, there are numerous events, assemblies, and meetings being held in many countries of different continents, which will serve as a base for this construction because a unified organization can only be built through open debate of ideas and proposals. We took the initiative and we invite the comrades that organiza this event, the comrades who participate in it, as well as the true anti-imperialist to take active part in this process of construction of the Anti-Imperialist League.
The world situation as a whole shows that we are facing a turning point in the struggle between revolution and counterrevolution. Imperialism cannot offer a different future than barbarism for all the peoples of the world. And consequently a flammable material is being accumulated every day to make even more rebellion to explode, because the masses today can see more clearly that there is no other way than revolution. We call everyone for together to become part of the anti-imperialist solidarity and resistance and proletarian internationalism!
Unite the proletariat, the people, the oppressed nations and peoples to sweep away imperialism and its running dogs from the face of earth!
Found an International Anti-Imperialist Front!
Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People’s Rights – Brazil
February 22, 2025