Only Communism can bring Peace to Our War-Ravaged World!
Revolutionary greetings.
We convey our red salutes to comrades of CPG(ML) for organizing the Anti-imperialist Anti-war Internationalist Meeting. We convey our red salutes to comrades from Turkey, Palestine, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Malta and all other countries for attending this Meeting and making it a success.
The threat of a third world war looms large before the world. Everywhere across the world, political crises are developing. This is happening mainly due to two reasons – the economic crisis of imperialism on one hand and the masses waging revolutionary struggles against their oppressors. The contradiction between imperialism and the oppressed nationalities of the world has taken centre-stage in the international scene.
“The moment a branch of national industry has completely conquered the home market, that moment exportation becomes a necessity to it. Under capitalistic conditions, an industry either expands or wanes. A trade cannot remain stationary; stoppage of expansion is incipient ruin; the progress of mechanical and chemical invention, by constantly superseding human labor and ever more rapidly increasing and concentrating capital, creates in every stagnant industry a glut both of workers and of capital, a glut which finds no vent everywhere, because the same process is taking place in all other industries.”
- Marx, On the Question of Free Trade
Lenin developed our understanding of imperialism in his Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism when he observed that “… imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.” The rise of monopolistic accumulation had supplanted the era of free competition, creating a sphere of enormous surplus profits in relatively few corporations, which came to dominate the economy. In the five characteristics of imperialism that Lenin listed right after this, he emphasized the concentration and centralization of capital on a national and world scale as the primary characteristic of imperialism. The second characteristic was the merging of industrial and banking capital to form financial capital and a financial oligarchy. The third was the export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities, that is, the shift of capital to a global field of operation. The fourth, summing up the previous three, was the domination of the world by a relatively small number of international capitalist monopolies. The fifth was the completion of “the territorial division of the world among the great capitalist powers.”
World War I took place between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey said to be central powers on one side and France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy and Japan said to be allies on the other. Russia and most countries of Europe, the United States, the Middle East and other regions were engaged in the war. As various imperialist forces weakened as a result of World War I, intense revolutionary crisis came forth all over the world. This was efficiently utilised only by the Bolshevik Party in the leadership of Comrade Lenin in Russia that came to power. Few months after World War I took place, the Treaty of Versailles was made on 28th June 1918 that brought the war to an end only formally. In fact, it was a controversial agreement between the warring factions. The agreement made Germany the main cause of war and imposed a large amount of compensation.
Using this, Hitler raised the banner of national chauvinism to make Germany a powerful imperialist force in a short time after war. Britain and France strengthened and became allies of US imperialism. World War broke for the second time. This time the war was between Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan and the allies France, Great Britain and the United States. Meanwhile Germany, Italy and Japan rose to become fascist.
The Third International and the CPSU(B) in the leadership of the great Marxist teacher Comrade Stalin took up the task to utterly defeat fascism with proper strategy and tactics. It united with friendly forces and adopted the tactics of United Front, protected the proletarian base and defeated fascism. Red Army liberated the East European countries. Except for the US, the rest of the imperialist countries became very weak.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) in the leadership of Comrade Mao properly utilised the crisis conditions and seized state power in 1949. Socialist camp was established. Given the already prepared ground of uneven development through uneven treaties, after the war, America gradually attained hegemony and came to be the superpower.
After the death of Comrade Stalin in 1953, Russia turned capitalist and gradually to an imperialist country. It gained strength such as to contend with the US. There was a division of the countries of the world between these two superpowers. Cold war came into existence. While Russia made war of aggression in Eastern Europe and Afghanistan, the United States made in Latin America and Vietnam. When the cold war ended after a few years, imperialism also started to decline. Russia collapsed as a superpower. US started to become strategically weak since mid-1970s and lost the status of superpower by the beginning of second decade of 21st century.
In 1978, capitalist transformation began in China after the death of Comrade Mao. With the loss of all the socialist countries, the revolutionary forces have suffered serious setback from the late 1970s. Imperialists in spite of being armed to the teeth, were neck deep in crisis on all fronts. But on the other hand, the subjective forces of revolution were too weak to utilise the situation to launch an offensive against imperialism.
The severe crisis in the world capitalist system since mid-1970s led international capital to re- structure the world economy and to seek unproductive and speculative spheres of capital investment. The need to shift imperialist short- term speculative capital freely from one corner of the globe to another in search of maximum returns in the shortest possible time; and the need to ensure re-payment of the debts incurred by the oppressed countries to the transnational banks and the imperialist governments, required that a world without borders be created for the free flow of capital, goods, services and labour across all countries without any restrictions whatsoever on the part of the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. In order to achieve this objective, structural adjustment programmes in the name of globalisation were brought forth and began to be imposed on many countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America after the mid-1980s and even more countries during the 1990s.
Russian imperialism overcame its economic weaknesses, increased its already existing military strength and started contending with the US for re-division of the world as a strong force. In the process, it is exporting oil, natural gas and wheat to West European countries including East European countries and could sustain those as its commercial partners. This affected the economic and strategic interests of the US in Europe. At the same time China rose as a social-imperialist country and became a contender to the US in all sectors. In this situation, the US withdrew „war on terrorism‟ in view of its economic, military, geo-political importance and decided to contend and if necessary, to make war with China and Russia since the end of 2020.
Currently, there are three regions where crisis is already brewing due to imperialist attempts at re-division of the world -
Now, let‟s talk about India. India has entered into military alliance with America, UAE and Israel. She is also maintaining good trade and political relations with the Russo-China lobby. From Bastar to Kashmir, Manipur to Sambhal – the entire country is burning today in the flames of fascism. Especially in Bastar, since the last year, the tribal regions of Central and Eastern India have been witnessing an unprecedented genocidal attack in the name of Operation Kagaar. The Indian state is at war, not with some external forces but with its own people since more than two decades. At present, according to the ruling classes, this war has reached its “final and decisive stage”.
There is massive concentration of foreign finance capital in alliance with its comprador allies in several sectors mainly in the mining sector in India. The introduction of 100 per cent of FDI in the mining sector and the changes made in the mining and forest laws by weakening the constitutional given rights to Adivasi, have aggravated the process of concentration of capital in the mining sector. The loot of the natural resources is prerequisite for the realization of super-profits by the MNCs to overcome their economic crisis.
While from colonial times and even post-“Transfer of Power” in 1947, India was a brutal and merciless state that crushed all dissent, put democrats and progressive-minded individuals through various forms of repression and killed revolutionaries in cold blood, these qualities have been manifold enhanced since the coming of BJP to power in 2014. The Hindutva fascists will be observing the completion of the 10 year governance of India and also the centennial anniversary of the founding of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha. It is safe to say that they plan on engaging in a mad dance of chaos, terror, communalism and suppression of any opposition.
Ajit Doval, the national security adviser, asserted with pride that the new "war front" is civil society. Amit Shah, the home minister, has been meeting with security and administrative leaders all throughout the nation and announcing the soon-to-be death of Maoism. Ironically, this goalpost is always shifting; it was once stated to be 2022 during the Bhima Koregaon era, but it is currently 2026. The arrest of GN Saibaba and Hem Mishra, the Bhima Koregaon conspiracy case, and various raids in Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, and other states nationwide are all examples of the Central Government's Surajkund Action Plan, which aims to stop "Naxalite pen-wielders" and gun-wielders in the name of defeating Maoism.
Who are these Naxalite pen-wielders? Students, professors, intellectuals, trade union activists, peasant organisers, journalists, civil rights activists and individuals from all professions who might even posit a challenge to the Brahmanical Hindutva regime. These are not only limited to the individuals who actually uphold the revolutionary politics of Naxalbari. Even Rahul Gandhi, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, was not spared from being called a Maoist sympathiser and urban Naxal in open parliamentary session.
Proving the assessment of Comrade Lenin about revolution in phases, the intensifying national liberation, democratic and revolutionary movements in the backward countries, working class struggles in capitalist-imperialist countries and environment protection movements all over the world for the past three years might transform into a new spate of revolution in the world. These people‟s struggles and revolutions might contain the danger of World War III. Or else, if the people‟s struggles and the spate of revolution do not gain the strength to the extent of containing the danger, WW III might begin and revolutions might arise. However, as Comrade Mao said in 1970s, „World War might come and revolutions might arise, spate of revolution might contain World War. Revolution is the main trend in the current time‟. This situation once again has come forth now.
Peace is temporary and war is natural under imperialism. Only the uprooting of all imperialists can make peace permanent. The monster of imperialism, even by combining all its forces, is finding it impossible to check the growing tide of people‟s struggles all over the world. Masses are displaying their wrath against wars of aggression and bullying by imperialism, particularly US imperialism; against imperialist oppression of nations and people, against imperialist globalization and the neo-liberal policies, and against fascist measures and suppression. The task of the international communist student-youth movement is to fight against imperialist wars and strive for peace, while fighting against the imperialists and their servants in just revolutionary civil wars. Either we perish under imperialism, or we march onwards to communism.
Revolutionary regards,
Revolutionary Students Front