27 ΦΛΕΒΑΡΗ 2025

Speech of the Communist Union of Workers (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) (Colombia) in the internationalist event of the meeting

Position to the International Anti-imperialist and Anti-war Meeting

The present situation confirms that imperialism is the highest and last phase of capitalism. It is a monopoly, parasitic, agonizing and decomposing capitalism, beyond which only socialism is possible.

The economic crisis of worldwide capitalism that began in 2008, in spite of the slight and partial recoveries, has not been overcome. On the contrary, it continues to make the advanced state of decomposition of imperialism evident, as it has aggravated the world social crisis with layoffs, unemployment, galloping inflation, migrant, health, and environmental crisis... exacerbating to the extreme all the contradictions of this dying system: between the working class and the bourgeoisie at a universal level; between the imperialist and oppressed countries and in between the monopolies; and even, as never before, between imperialism and nature.

An exceptional situation in the long agony of imperialism, which has caused the worldwide rebellion of the proletariat and the peoples of the world rising up in general strikes, mass political strikes and mobilizations against capitalist exploitation and oppression; in wars of resistance to imperialist aggression against the peoples, and in the persistent people's wars led by the communists in various countries. It is a new upsurge of revolution, evident since 2019, that has not culminated despite temporary outbreaks.

In such a situation it is the responsibility of the representatives of the working class to take the initiative to fight for the leadership of the movement in the prospect of the triumph of the World Proletarian Revolution. And what we are doing here today, with the initiative of the comrades of Greece, corresponds to the need of clarifying the situation and determine the correct course and what actions must be made by the revolutionary proletariat.

The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement and the Proletarian Revolution

For the communists it is clear that the Socialist Revolution of the Proletariat and the Revolutionary Anti-imperialist Movement are the two great currents of a single worldwide front of the proletarian revolution against the worldwide imperialist front. Two great currents that point and converge, without merging, towards the same universal target of the proletarian revolution: imperialism.

The need for mutual internationalist support between the workers revolution in the imperialist countries and the anti-imperialist movement in the oppressed countries; the need for alliance in the oppressed countries between the proletariat and other classes oppressed by imperialism; the capitalist development of the oppressed countries, especially those transforming into dominant, brings the socialist revolution and the anti-imperialist movement closer together.

All these are objective conditions that strengthen the tendency towards the approchement of the two great currents of the World Proletarian Revolution.

The existence of the capitalist mode of production in the oppressed countries is not "foreign", nor "artificially introduced by imperialism", or "non-class". In these countries, it is not the capitalist mode of production being exported, but capital, which acts and influences the capitalist development in every detail, originated from the economic process of the old feudal society. The defects of capitalism in the oppressed countries arise from the inherent characteristics of semi-colonial dependency and its role in the global economy, that conform with the basic features of capitalism: the production of goods under a regime where the accumulated capital buys and exploits the wage labor of free workers.

The complete domination of the capitalist mode of production over the other modes of production, in the social economic formation of oppressed countries is a real phenomenon of the last and current period in the dying phase of capitalism, which accelerated and emerged due to the economic crisis of global capitalism.

Therefore, the national problem today can only be solved on the condition of overthrowing the bourgeoisie. This is the epoch of the new anti-imperialist revolutionary movement, as part of the World Proletarian Revolution, which, in the feudal and semi-feudal oppressed countries, is solved as a whole and in relation to the anti-feudal revolution, that is, as part of the New Democratic Revolution led by the proletariat; while in the capitalist oppressed countries it is solved as a whole and in relation to the anti-capitalist revolution of the proletariat, as part of the Socialist Revolution.

To try to solve the national problems in imperialism, separately and without annihilating the power of capital, to try and solve them before the triumph of the New Democratic Revolution in the feudal and semi-feudal oppressed countries, or before the triumph of the Socialist Revolution in the capitalist oppressed countries, is petty bourgeois democratic politics conceived to fight against imperialism without going beyond the limits of capitalism.

The experience of the 20th century shows us that bourgeois factions and personalities who seized power in some Asian and African countries under democratic anti-imperialist banners, later on became tyrants in the service of imperialism. Additionally, the experience of the national liberation movements in Latin America led by the petty bourgeoisie as well as by bourgeois and petty bourgeois ruling sections in some countries today, shows that their anti-imperialist discource and struggle is, in reality, a commitment to the continuation of the oppression and exploitation of the people.

To isolate the struggle against imperialism from that waged by the workers against capital is crude nationalism, which clouds the thinking of the proletariat, undermines its class independence and favors the ideological and political domination of the bourgeoisie. Such a separation means to dissimulate, attenuate and cover up the deep contradictions of the imperialist phase of capitalism, contradictions which make revolution inevitable.

The proletariat is the only social force capable of leading the defeat of capitalism, not solely because of its objective interests that fully coincide with the development of civilization and because it is the only class that objectively and antagonistically opposes capitalism, but also because it constitutes today the absolute majority of world society.

On this basis, communists and revolutionaries can now advance in the construction of the Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist and Anti-War Front in all countries.

The struggle against imperialist war and for the establishment of socialism

Lenin stated that imperialist capitalism: "has developed the productive forces to such an extreme, that humanity has no other way left but to pass to socialism, or else to suffer for years, even for decades, the armed struggle of the "great" powers for the artificial maintenance of capitalism through colonies, monopolies, privileges and all kinds of national oppression".

Imperialism means aggresive wars against the peoples and armed conflicts between the imperialist countries to seize sources of raw materials, markets, zones of influence and labor power. The two world wars that humanity has endured obey this logic of capital which in times of crisis, such as the present one, finds no other way out than the arms race to continue to accumulate profits and leading to the preparation for a new confrontation, for a new distribution of the world.

Hence, in regards to the correlation of the inter-imperialist contradictions today, the contradiction between the proletariat and the global bourgeoisie, which is manifested on the social terrain of the fundamental opposition between the social character of production and the private character of appropriation, which intensified by the economic crisis of world capitalism since 2008 we can say the following: This fundamental contradiction tends to be displaced by the inter-imperialist and inter-monopolist contradiction and preparations for war with the aim for a new world division.

In this respect, this year began in the midst of growing tensions, and although attention is now focused on Ukraine and the Middle East, where the Palestinian people heroically resist genocide by Israel, everything indicates that the confrontation will continue to escalate in other regions  as well, in order to strengthen the influence of the imperialists led by the United States and its NATO partners, on the one hand, and Russia and China together with their allies, on the other.

The conflict over Ukraine continues, now with new moves in neighboring countries and pressure from the United States to further engage its European allies in the confrontation, responding to North Korea's open cooperation with Russia with 10,000 fighters in the war.

In the Middle East, tensions will continue not only over Palestine and neighboring countries, but also over who consolidates their power in Iran and Iraq, which are involved in the dispute between the United States and Russia, following the loss of Syria for the Russians.

The Sahel region in Africa has been destroyed by the reactionary wars for years over its natural resources, with increasing interference each time by big monopolies and imperialist companies, causing hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties and millions of forcibly displaced people, generating a humanitarian crisis, especially in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.

In Southeast Asia, in addition to the ongoing tensions between North and South Korea, where each is an ally with Russia-China, and the United States-Japan, respectively, tensions have escalated over Taiwan in view of China's declared intention to regain the island’s control, which the United States has kept under its protection since the triumph of the Chinese revolution in 1949.

In Latin America, the growing struggle for the recovery of  the so-called "backyard" of U.S. imperialism, in the face of the economic, political and military offensive of the Russian and Chinese imperialists, is currently concentrated mainly around Venezuela where it has been impossible for the United States to overthrow the Bolivarian bourgeoisie regime established by Chavez and Maduro, which has the support of Russia and China.

Given the possible loss of Ukraine and the instability in the Middle East, Venezuela plays a crucial role because it has the largest oil reserves in the world. That is the reason why Russia and China have gained dominant positions in Venezuela, as well as the main target for the United States to regain, which opens the possibility of a new war front in the inter-imperialist conflict.

All these facts demonstrate that the far-fetched theory of the "single hegemonic superpower" was erroneous, confirming the Leninist theory of the uneven development of imperialism. These events expose the theory and the defense of a "multipolar world" as a cover to justify the aggressions of the Russian and Chinese imperialists and the imperialist war preparations for a new world division. And they teach the proletariat and the peoples of the world the need to rescue the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist orientation of opposing the preparations of the reactionary war, to prevent the war with the proletarian revolution, or in case it breaks out, to transform it into a revolutionary civil war against the bourgeoisie in the different countries.

In conclusion: the extreme sharpening of the contradictions of imperialism, combined with the world uprising of the proletariat and the peoples of the world, demand their unity to bury the dying capitalism with the World Proletarian Revolution.

The present situation is an exceptional condition that demands the unity of the sections of the revolutionary proletariat in a new Communist International, the only one capable of the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat and the peoples of the world in a single stream, with the aim of establishing socialism.

Hence, the struggle against imperialism and imperialist war can only be useful if it is oriented towards that direction.

Imperialist Capitalism is in crisis, long live Socialism and Communism!

Either the revolution will stop the war or the war will bring the revolution!

Workers and peoples of the world, unite against imperialism!

Forward for the new Communist International!

Communist Workers Union (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)

Colombia, January 2025


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