Comrades, we are honored to be together on the occasion of the anti-imperialist and anti-war symposium organized by the CPG(m-l) and to unite in the goal of developing common struggle. On this occasion, we greet all participants and comrades from the CPG(m-l).
The warmongering and expansionist policies of NATO, the war alliance led by the Western imperialists, especially the USA, continue, and the Russian imperialism and Chinese social imperialism, with which they are in competition, are being encircled by a narrowing arc from Scandinavia to the South China Sea. Attempts to bring a number of countries into NATO, from countries such as Finland, which has been under the guise of neutrality for many years, to Ukraine, which can be considered as Russia's gateway to the West, are the result of these policies. On the other hand, various agreements are being made between US imperialism and countries like Taiwan, which have historical disagreements with Chinese social imperialism. While long-term plans are being made to limit China's military presence in the Indo-Pacific region, military tensions in the region are being escalated.
US imperialism not only negatively affects the economic outlook of the imperialists with which it is in competition and reduces their influence in world trade, but also ensures that the dependent countries are aligned in accordance with its policies. At the same time, by escalating this tension, it forces not only the semi-feudal, semi-colonial countries dependent on it, but also other western imperialists allied with it to take a more active role in the imperialist strife. Thus, it not only transforms dependent states into outposts, but also strengthens the imperialist blocking and expands its alliances.
While the risks of a severe crisis continue to accumulate, this is accompanied by a worldwide expensiveness, inflation, declining purchasing power, unemployment, harsher living conditions and heavier bills for the peoples of the world. At the same time, the intertwined state of the world economy leads to the fact that a devastation in any one area is followed by a domino effect in all areas. In order to mitigate this domino effect, the imperialists, on the one hand, are fighting each other economically, while on the other hand, they are trying to implement mutual sanctions and embargoes in order to ensure economic decoupling. Although there are attempts by the Russian and Chinese imperialists to trade in local currencies in response to these attempts by the US and the EU imperialists under its leadership, these attempts are still far from creating an economic decoupling. However, efforts in this direction continue. Every step and competitive move to be taken by the imperialists in this field stands at a point that feeds the risks of more severe crisis. Moreover, the current stage of imperialist strife makes it necessary to take steps to deepen the strife despite these risks.
In a process of deepening strifes and increasing tension, the governing policies of the ruling classes are being built accordingly. In recent years, it is seen that the intra-system cliques that have voiced the most populist reactionary slogans and created the most chauvinistic programs all over the world have come to power or have been effective among the people. In almost every country, the winds of the “extreme right” are blowing and governments are being formed in partnership and under the lead by of the most reactionary cliques. The main reason for this is to increase internal repression and exploitation in order to meet the severe crises caused by deepening contradictions. The aim is to increase the oppression and exploitation of the people by forming governments capable of implementing reactionary policies.
While the destruction caused by the imperialist conflict continues in the Middle East, the reckless attacks against the intense and inspiring resistance of the national liberation movements, especially in Palestine, continue with the ratification and guidance of the imperialists. Zionist Israel, which plays a leading role in protecting the interests of US imperialism in the region, continues its occupying and massacring policies for the sake of advancing these interests.
In Syria, in a short period of time, the balance of power shifted, the presence of Russian imperialism in the region became questionable, and Iran took a more dimensional step back. Although it is seen that a new process and a new design has begun, it is important to see that the main thing is to take the contradictions one step further and deepen them. In particular, this step serves to encircle Iran more comprehensively in the region and to somehow disarm the armed resistance groups in the region. In particular, this step serves to encircle Iran more comprehensively in the region and to somehow disarm the armed resistance groups in the region. The imperialists are trying to end or limit these resistances and disarm them. However, on the other hand, historic and inspiring resistances continue, especially in Palestine, which is a focus of resistance against occupying policies.
The imperialists make the servant states that serve their interests even more dependent on them, and ensure that they become more involved in the market conflict in the region. Turkey and Greece are important examples of this process. The two reactionary states are increasing the oppression and exploitation of their own peoples in order to open their resources for plunder under more favorable conditions for the imperialists, and are in competition with each other for the small shares to be obtained from them. 2020 was one of the periods when this rivalry was at its peak, but after the Russian imperialist invasion of Ukraine, it was decided that the rivalry between the two reactionary states, which could play important roles for Western imperialists, especially in the Black Sea, Aegean and Mediterranean, would proceed on a soft course for a while. Both reactionary states are equipping their territories with military bases of imperialists, especially the US, and they themselves are trying to play a role as the outpost of imperialism in the region. In doing so, the peoples of the country are tried to be enemies with each other, chauvinism is fanned and forced to follow reactionary policies. In doing so, the peoples of the country are tried to be enemies with each other, chauvinism is fanned and forced to follow reactionary policies.
Here first of all while making our determinations, it is necessary to draw attention to the contradictions through which social life is shaped and progresses and the dynamics through which the class struggle must move forward. Firstly, we need to recognize that the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is the fundamental contradiction underlying the current situation in the world today and the contradictions that have grown like a fringe. This is the contradiction that will continue from the beginning to the end of the revolutionary process and that fundamentally determines all other contradictions. The main contradictions caused by this fundamental contradiction and the main contradiction that stands out among these main contradictions is the first target of our revolution and the contradiction on which it will rise. Today, we see that main contradictions exist around the world as a structural consequence of the imperialist-capitalist system. Although, the strife between the imperialists is growing in dimension, the main goal of the imperialists today is to put the peoples of the world under a heavier yoke of exploitation, plunder and oppression. It remains the current policy of imperialism to make dependent countries even more dependent, to open their resources to imperialist plunder under more favorable conditions, to further impoverish the poor peoples and to carry out more massacres through regional wars and to continue the market competition through this. The periods of the imperialist war of division, on the other hand, as Comrade Stalin pointed out, bring about a process in which all these contradictions are put into a single scale. However, we are not yet in such a process.
The world is going through a process in which more difficult living conditions are being imposed on the peoples and the steps of more severe oppression are being taken. The future is more uncertain and threatened under the shadow of the imperialist-capitalist system. The tense market competition is now accumulating risks of war and massacres in more geographies. It is a fact that the imperialists are closer to a large-scale war of division than they were yesterday. The world public opinion is also experiencing an uneasiness in this direction, but it seems that the stage of a war of division has not yet been reached. In this process, while the imperialists are trying to weave the steps that will pave the way for regional wars, they are trying to do this in a meticulous manner that will not allow for a large-scale clash.
For these reasons, the dominant current in the world is still the current of revolution. Of course, the contradictions between the imperialists are at a stage of sharpening and dimensioning. But this tension is not yet at a stage that will lead to an imperialist war of division. We are in a process in which the imperialist alliances, which have beginning to become evident today, continue to prepare even to carry the strife for markets to regional wars, and mutual economic and political relations cannot be completely separated. For this reaso, it is too early to identify a current of war. In particular, it is seen that the conflict has been carried to the doorstep of Russian imperialism, and in the same way, there are attempts to carry out the economic war against Chinese social imperialism on a larger scale and to draw it into a large-scale conflict. However, the core tendency seems to be to move the fragmented and insulated conflicts in market areas to the stage of regional wars. When viewed from this aspect , available already ongoing initiatives in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, and the Caucasus, the chances are that to sizing to be further scaled up. All this will lead to a more reckless implementation of imperialism's plunder policies. In this outlook, it is possible to see that the peoples' anger against imperialism will grow and the contradiction between imperialism and the peoples of the world will deepen. There are therefore serious possibilities for the development of the anti-imperialist struggle. The anti-imperialist struggle is an important field to feed the struggle for revolution and communism, to shake and smash imperialism. In this respect, supporting too national movements that characteristically that will shake imperialist interests also stands in a somewhere to develop the anti-imperialist struggle.
Starting from these data, we need to recognize that there are some dangers in being under the mistaken impression that the main stream worldwide is war. First, it points to faulty political determinations and a problem of method. The question of method is a comprehensive one, its ideological-political background must be exposed and it is necessary to reckon. Secondly, make a determination a war current that does not exist today prevents communist parties from being shaped according to concrete conditions and It causes it to take a shape that is inconsistent with reality, including the party's structure, strategic and tactical orientation and alliance policies as a whole. Third, it brings with it a strong threat of opportunism. Because as soon as the of war stream when it is detected, the Communist Party determines its entire formation accordingly, its alliances and priority tasks change. At a time when inter-imperialist contradictions have erupted and war is attempted war, it determines a policy to prevent this situation. In the politics of alliance, the classes that the Communist Party will ally with become more diverse and wider. A CP recognizes the reality that there is always such a risk and threat and determines its political orientation according to what the main contradictions are.
The periods when the current of revolutionis essential are not related to at what stage of subjective power of a communist party. The current of revolution is related to the main contradictions and what is the dominant contradiction among this main contradiction. Today, although the rivalry between imperialists is deepening, it seems that we are not in a period when an imperialist war of division has started or will start at any moment. The world is moving in this direction, but it is not yet a reality. In other words, making determinations that do not correspond to reality and being shaped accordingly breeds with it the abandonment of the tasks of the revolution, postponing the immediate tasks of the proletariat's struggle, educating the masses for the revolution and postponing the tasks of mobilizing for the revolution, advancing in the lane of opportunism.
As we have stated, our understanding does not reject this phase of the inter-imperialist confrontation, which is quite fierce, but it contains that the understanding that we are in a current of war at this stage is not correct. Although the world communist movements are in a heavy defeat and have a weak subjective power, we are still in the process where the revolutionary current is essential due to the direction taken by the current contradictions. However, it is also clear that the imperialists' entry into such a process is a harbinger of great destruction for the world.
In this process, it is our international duty to strengthen the existing communist parties, to support the development of communist and revolutionary parties all over the world and to develop the anti-imperialist struggle in this way. The anti-imperialist struggle must also support movements that will smash imperialism, set it back and feed the revolution in this way. In particular, national movements should be seen as movements that break the chain of dependence with imperialism, stand against imperialist plunder and strike at its interests. However, creating the phenomenon of a single enemy, highlighting a part of the imperialists and “declaring them the main enemy”, which has become prominent in recent years in supporting national struggles, is a problematic approach that does not serve the revolution. Although such a determination is tactically feasible especially when there is a current of war, the understandings that make such a determination today lack a consistent anti-imperialist line. There is, of course, an uneven development among the imperialists, and in some cases certain imperialist countries or alliances are likely to become dominant. Today, the position of US imperialism outweighs that of the other imperialists, but this does not stop at a place that "forgives the sins" of others. There is no single aspect of contradiction. For example, expansionist and warmongering policies are being implemented by NATO under the leadership of US imperialism, and Russian imperialism can respond with invasions and military threats. This phenomenon, although objectively differences, involves the darkening of the future for the peoples as a whole by imperialism. So here, it is not possible to parse imperialists and determine who is more or less harmful. It is not possible to build a consistent anti-imperialist line without keeping distance from such three-worldist theories that distort the goal of the revolution.
Every organization is the product of a need. AIL emerged with the responsibility of coordinating the anti-imperialist struggle, which today is mainly unorganized, in an international centralized character, “armed with the task of forming a political line that makes the allies of the working class and who feel anger and reaction against imperialism for class, social and economic reasons, consistent and determined”.
The importance of “building an anti-imperialist world front that will unite the broad masses of the people under the leadership of the proletariat against imperialism and all forms of reaction, that will give strong support to people's wars and national liberation struggles, that will serve the struggles of peoples all over the world” imposes itself.
Today, a new anti-imperialist formation is in the process of being established, albeit weak and powerless. It is the duty of all communist, revolutionary, democratic and patriotic forces to develop, shoulder and strengthen the existing anti-imperialist league and its struggle instead of seeking new ones.
The elimination of this system, which is dragging the world towards destruction and condemning the peoples to harsh living conditions, stands before us as an imperative task. For this, the development of revolutionary, democratic struggles in every corner of the world is of great importance. The increasing attacks of imperialism strengthen the ground for the development of the anti-imperialist struggle. As part of this struggle, we embrace our duty of raising the flag of revolution in our own countries, and we endeavor to develop our international ties and solidarity with the resistance against the imperialist-capitalist system in every corner of the world. It is clear that this effort must be intensified and strengthened. We struggle with the awareness that it is one of the tasks of today to increase solidarity with the nations and peoples who are resisting against the destruction and massacres caused by the imperialist conflict around the world.