All the contradictions of the planet intensify, the anti-worker, anti-people's policies escalate. The main imperialist powers compete for a new division of markets and spheres of influence, seeking to overcome the world crisis through the preparation of World War III. The peoples of the world experience the effects of the imperialist rivalry in the most brutal way.
The unjust war in Ukraine, between Russian imperialism on one side and the USA – West and their puppet reactionary Zelensky regime on the other already counts hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded, and is today the epicentre of these antagonisms. The heroic Palestinian people resist the genocidal operation of the murderous Zionists of Israel who serve the plans of the American imperialists. The developments from the Caucasus and the Balkans to Africa, from the Pacific Ocean and West America to the Arctic Circle take place in the same framework.
Hate, chauvinism, and nationalism are reinforced to strike at popular resistance and strengthen the antagonisms of the powerful. In all countries of the world, political systems are preparing and taking political, economic and military measures in the face of the possibility of a generalized war. Imperialism oppresses the peoples and capital intensifies more and more the exploitation of the working class reaching forms of enslavement in order to make profits and strengthen its class domination.
The working class, peoples and youth, all over the world, are resisting capitalist-imperialist barbarism with struggles and uprisings. They express, in the terms they have come to formulate today, their anger and their demands. These struggles seek and need the upgrading of their constitution and the formation of their revolutionary perspective.
However, the trajectory of developments makes this need more urgent. In the face of the intensification of the dangers of war, the threats even of nuclear war, it is necessary to take steps in the direction of the Anti-imperialist-Anti-war Front of Popular Struggle.
It is therefore obvious that there is a need to build the conditions for the coordination of the anti-imperialist and revolutionary forces from as many countries and regions in the world as possible.
The organizations that sign this statement and participated in the Anti-imperialist Anti-War Meeting in Athens on 22-23/2/2025 seek a common path, to inform and be informed, to coordinate to the greatest possible level, and to struggle, not only by ourselves, but also with all the forces that want to contribute in this direction. A direction whose political mark will adopt the following axes:
— Common struggles of the peoples against unjust wars and imperialism
— Against capitalist exploitation and imperialist barbarism
— Out with US-NATO and Russia from Ukraine.
— Free Palestine
— Down with nationalism and the fascist poison. Solidarity and friendship of all peoples.
— Solidarity to refugees and immigrants
— Peoples do not need protectors! We rely on the inexhaustible people's forces - we support the popular struggles all over the world
—We strive for joint action at international level against the war preparations and reactionary policies of imperialism
In this direction we aspire to take initiatives to strengthen the anti-imperialist and anti-war struggle in our countries and internationally. Furthermore, in order to promote dialogue and coordination on the serious issues of the period, we are going to create an international information and dialogue web page with the title International Anti-imperialist Bulletin.
Anti-Imperialist Action (Denmark)
Union of Communists (France)
Communist Union of Workers (MLM) (Colombia)
Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)
Communist Construction (Germany)
Maoist Communist Party (Italy)