English Content
Opening statement of 10th conference of CPG (m-l)
Friends and Comrades,We welcome you to our event, with which we open the 10th Conference of the CPG(m-l). During the previous months when the pre-conference process developed within the organs and sectors of the Organization all over the country, in the many organized discussions with comrades and friends of the Organization and in the public dialogue that took place, with the significant participation of comrades and friends of the organization on its website, certain characteristics were reflected, we may even say they were dominant.
No to the anticommunist “Holy Inquisition”! Solidarity to the Peruvian communists! Hand over the body of Abimael Guzman to his comrades!
The death of the imprisoned leader of the Peruvian communist party, was the result of a slow and torturous extermination policy imposed by all the oligarchy governments, with the assistance of the USA, from his arrest to today, a total of 29 years
The planet is burning! Capitalism-imperialism destroys!
The planet is on fire. And we are not talking about fires that are likely to happen because of the summer. There has been a global scale catastrophe for several months that threatens to change dramatically the climate of our planet. The fire in the Amazon forest continued for over 25 days. Further, to the
We condemn the ban off the antifascist memorial event on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the execution of Ernst Thälmann
CPG (m-l) protests and is demonstrating its opposition against the decision of the institute that manages the Buchenwald concentration camp, to cancel the events in honour and in memory of the communist leader Ernst Thalmann that the Internationalist Alliance hosts in Germany. We have to do with a decision in line with the anticommunist campaign
On the result of the elections in Greece
Monday, July 8, 2019 After July 7th elections New Democracy (ND) returned to office with a percentage that gives them absolute majority in the Parliament. This is the result of the reactionary road paved by the anti-grassroots policies that the government of SYRIZA followed during the last years. This government change will continue and deepen
Joint statement on the European Parliamentary Election and call for Europe wide boycott
May 2019 The European elections do not belong to the peoples! They belong to the multinationals and the imperialists! Abstention and denunciation of the European Union! The European Parliament election in May will be held at a time when the reactionary nature and role of the European Union (EU) are fully exposed. The EU operates
9th Conference of CPG(m-l): Opening speech by the General Secretary
Athens, Friday, March 22nd 2019 Dear friends and comrades Four years ago, around this time of the year, we were opening the proceedings of the 8th Conference of our party and our primary concerns were the challenges and difficulties we had to confront with, after SYRIZA came to power in January 2015. We especially identified
THESSALONIKI | Political event: 20 years since the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia (13/4)
On occasion of the 20 years since the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, that shed the blood of its peoples and considerably moved forward the American-NATO domination in the Balkan peninsula, the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) nvites you to attend its event which will take place in Thessaloniki’s Labour Union (Abraham Benaroya hall), Greece, on
CPG(m-l): Solidarity to the people of Venezuela! No to imperialist intervention
The evolving political coup in Venezuela with the overt incitement, support and intervention of the US in collaboration with reactionary regimes and governments of Latin America aims -first and foremost- to the people and toilers of Venezuela and to all the peoples of the region. It undermines peace and the long struggle for independence and social
Announcement of USA troops withdrawal from Syria is evidence of acceleration of reactionary developments and conflicts
Trump’s recent announcement of withdrawal of American troops from Syria, should not create any complacent feelings; on the contrary it should alert all the peoples of the area. The reason why is because –one way or another- this constitutes the acceleration of the development of conflict between the US and the other imperialists, especially Russia;
Salutation of CPG(m-l) to the internationalist camping in Bosnia-Herzegovina
This text is a  revolutionary salutation that CPG (m-l) addressed to the internationalist camping that took place in August 2018 in Bosnia-Herzegovina, organized by the Balkan organization Partija Rada, in which also participated delegations from Austria, Turkey and Netherlands (on behalf of Philippines).   Dear comrades On behalf of CPG (m-L) we salute your internationalist
An agreement between Greece and FYROM is in servitude of the war plans of the USA! Peoples unite! Against war, against imperialism!
The deal on the Macedonian question that was formed between Tsipras and Kotzias on the one hand and Zaev and Dimitrov on the other, has neither begun nor developed with the initiative and the last word on the two countries” governments. This question is and has foremost been a matter of conflict between the US
Long live Ibrahim Kaypakkaya in the 45th anniversary of his assasination!
It’s the 45th anniversary of the assasination of the representant of the international proletariat in Turkey, the founder of the TKP/ML (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist) Ibrahim Kaypakkaya. Comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya was only 24 when he was murdered by the severe tortures from the fascist Turkish state on the 18th of May. Kaypakkaya founded the TKP/ML
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