International Content
The Anti-imperialist, Anti-war Internationalist Meeting in Athens on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2025 was a great success!
The Anti-imperialist, Anti-war Internationalist Meeting that took place in Panteion University in Athens and in Kallithea on the weekend 22 and 23 February 2025 was a very important and mass process.
Speech of the CPG(m-l) in the internationalist event of the meeting
8 points on the world situation and the anti-imperialist direction and struggle
Speech of the Anti-Imperialist Action (Denmark) in the internationalist event of the meeting
I hope that this has given some insight into the process of developing masswork and the importance of strengthening the proletarian character and leadership of the solidarity movements.
Speech of the Union Of Communists (France) in the internationalist event of the meeting
It's an honor and a joy to be here with you today. We warmly thank our Greek comrades for giving us this opportunity. To be united by our common fight for humanity is our greatest pride.
Speech of the Communist Union of Workers (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) (Colombia) in the internationalist event of the meeting
The present situation confirms that imperialism is the highest and last phase of capitalism. It is a monopoly, parasitic, agonizing and decomposing capitalism, beyond which only socialism is possible.
Speech of the Communist Construction (Germany) in the internationalist event of the meeting
First of all, we would like to thank the Communist Party of Greece (Marxist-Leninist) for the organization of this international meeting of various revolutionary organizations.
Speech of the People’s Student Movement (Malta) in the internationalist event of the meeting
Which contradictions are shaking the planet and producing wars? What is the direction for the reconstruction of the revolutionary communist movement and the struggle of the peoples?
Speech of the Maoist Communist Party (Italy) in the internationalist event of the meeting
Comrades, it is a pleasure for us to participate in this international meeting and we warmly thank the comrades of KKE(m-l) for the invitation.
Speech of the TKP/ML (Turkey) in the internationalist event of the meeting
Comrades, we are honored to be together on the occasion of the anti-imperialist and anti-war symposium organized by the CPG(m-l) and to unite in the goal of developing common struggle. On this occasion, we greet all participants and comrades from the CPG(m-l).
Speech of the Palestinian Fighter, Yehya Ashker, in the internationalist event of the meeting
I greet you on behalf of the Palestinian people and its resistance, you and all the free people of the world, allthe anti-imperialist and anti-war movements who have stood in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their just struggle.
Salute from the Anti-imperialist League in the internationalist event of the meeting
We greet this very important symposium organised by the Communist Party of Greece - Marxist-Leninist and all the participants with all our enthusiasm and our unwavering conviction to create a more liveable world.
Salute from the Revolutionary Communist League (Norway) in the internationalist event of the meeting
The Revolutionary Communist League (RK) applauds your initiative for an anti-imperialist weekend. It is most timely.
Salute from the Revolutionary Front for the Support of Peoples’ Rights (Brazil) in the internationalist event of the meeting
Revolutionary greetings to the class conscious and anti-imperialist organizations here present and especially to the KKE(m-l) for this initiative.
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