A man confessed to the murder of his 20-year-old wife in a town outside Athens, after initially lying about robbers braking into their house and killing her and playing the role of the “tragic husband” for 40 days.
A 50-year-old cleaning lady was grabbed by a man while working in a residential building in a neighborhood near the center of Athens and was raped and beaten for several hours before she managed to escape. She was taken to the hospital with sexual injuries, concussion, and broken ribs.
A “Conference on Fertility and Reproduction Autonomy” was scheduled for the beginning of June, with the participation of the church and “alt-right” representatives and was promoted with a disgraceful video clip which accused women of not having children early enough in their lives. The conference was cancelled after a wide outcry.
A few weeks ago, the government passed a new law that mandates common child custody to both parents after a divorce. Victims of domestic violence will have to wait for years for a final court decision before they can claim full custody of their children. Until then, a man abusing his wife or children is considered equally a parent as his victim!
The law on labor passed a few days ago assigns the protection of women against sexual abuse at work to the employer. To the one that exploits all workers …by definition.
The reactionary policies of the capitalist system turn against all workers and the peoples. All rights that were conquered through mass struggle are now in doubt, inequality is promoted in all aspects of life. Women’s rights and sexual inequalities could not be an exception.
It is, therefore, not enough to blame sexism, patriarchy or an emerging “rapist culture” in general, but we must put the blame on capitalism and the bourgeois class, which increases oppression and exploitation all over the globe. This rotten system with its rotten ideology, values, and role models, uses its constitutions and state against the peoples in its effort to overcome its deep crisis.
When the murderer of the 20-year-old woman confessed, the media started polishing his image and tried to explain that “he was not a bad man”. They were not so sensitive before the confession, when they shed their racist poison by openly accusing of the murder the immigrant robbers that proved to never exist! Later, an immigrant from Georgia came out stating that he was arrested and beaten for 4 days by the police, who were trying to get him to confess a crime he never committed.
As for the rape of the 50-year-old cleaning lady, the police were called, but they said that they could not raid the building, because they did not have a prosecutor’s order. In so many other cases though, they did raid peoples’ homes without any court order, only because they were demonstrating…
The real face of the system is revealed. It includes violence against the peoples, racism, and sexual abuse. The concept that women provoke violence against them, even rape and murder, is silently promoted. The return to the ideas of the Middle Ages is consistent to the return of people’s rights to the level of the Middle Ages. The capitalist system in our country and its government push towards this direction with all specific initiatives taken lately on legislation around people’s and women’s rights.
Exploitation and private property are the foundations of capitalism and define the authoritative relations of the capital against the working class. The “sacred” right to private property expands to the ownership of human beings. The class inequalities lead to the acceptance of inequalities among people and between sexes. Bourgeois ethics thus pervade all human relations. The capitalist system of exploitation is responsible for any kind of sexual crimes.
Women suffer double oppression, as toilers at work and as wives and mothers at home. But women can earn their place in life where all workers do: in the class struggle fighting for the rights of their class as well as for the special demands of the women’s movement.
Demonstrations were held over the last days in Athens and other cities, protesting against the latest violent incidents against women. Our organization participated and stressed that the struggle for women’s rights and against sexual abuse is an indispensable part of the struggle against oppression and exploitation of the capitalist system.
We fight to change the society and eliminate all inequalities.
Women will earn life through their struggle against the system and all exploiters.